"Guatemala Time" as we came to appreciate means...'we'd like to starting thinking about doing this around this time, so show up as close to that as you can.' - that's a rough translation, but it's actually pretty accurate. It was explained to us later that Church should not be a source of stress. Church should not be rushed, or feel rushed. The people have so many stresses already. Why make church stressful too? When they are all there, then they will start. No worries. It will be fine. Just in case you are wondering, this did take some getting use to. The perception is that Americans are always in a hurry, because we are always on time and in a rush to start. I've always thought that being on time was both expected and polite. It's easy to see how something as simple as time could have such broad implications. Now we understand one another a bit better. Eventually we would just ask, "American or Guatemala Time?" and the answer was always Guatemalan. So we'd show up 15 minutes late but actually be just on time, and it was fine.
It was about this point that the verse in Hebrews 10 that says "don't give up meeting together as some are in the habit of (not) doing.. popped into my head. When these people meet they mean it! Nobody in this crowd worried about mowing the grass or beating the Baptists to the restaurant for a good table at lunch.
At 9:15 Simone came to me and said "They are going to sing two more songs." I smiled, "ok". Then she smiled and said "and then they will start the preaching." Then she smiled even bigger. It was one of those, 'everybody is looking at me' moments. I smiled with all of the sincerity I could muster, took a deep breath and relayed the message. First to Matt, the the Seth and Jay ~ their faces were priceless. Yep we are not in the Quad Cities any more. How long has it been since you were in a 3 1/2 hour service? The children came and went. There was a vendor who was selling chocolate dipped bananas just outside the church door ~ so people would get up, get a snack and bring it right in to munch on. Occasionally one of the community dogs would wonder in, only to be shooed off by an usher or greeter. They even have counters in Guatemala, who tirelessly keep track of how many people where there.
I felt inspired. We have walls at our church. We have Menards. Menards has hooks. 'BOOM! I had a great new idea of how to address our staffing issues in the early childhood department. My inspiration was not embraced by my home church mamma's...but that's ok. They still love me, and I love them. But seriously, I am inspired. These people on this night were not concerned about the time, the traffic, or the children's sleep schedules. For this moment, on this night they knew where they needed to be and what they needed to do. They were together. In God's house. For God's glory. AMEN
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