It is hard to imagine the darkness of a village in the mountainous jungle with no electricity.
I was able to peer into the opening of our Milky Way Galaxy .
I have never seen a sky like that before. How could I see that, and not see God's hand, His imagination and His beauty?
The Jesus film is shown at night, and by 6:30 it was DARK in our little village.
The Church was easy to see and hear ~ from a long ways off. You didn't have to work to see what a difference light made. The chance for light in the middle of darkness changed everything.
From darkness to light.
Just when you thought there would be no more, a figure would emerge from the darkness, and make their way ever closer to the light of Jesus - or in this case the light of the Jesus film. Sometimes they would come alone, others came in groups. Now and again we could see a small flicker of light in the distance ~ someone had a flashlight or lantern. They would use their small light to lead others with them toward the church. Some walked right in and claimed their seat, others hung out around the edges for awhile before taking the next step. There was a third group I called the shadow huggers. Close enough to see some of what the light offered, but not willing to leave the familiar comfort of the darkness.
The journey of the villagers is the journey of us all.
From Darkness to LIGHT.
But you are God’s chosen and special people. You are a group of royal priests and a holy nation. God has brought you out of darkness into his marvelous light. Now you must tell all the wonderful things that he has done. 1 Peter 2:9
In Your Light everything is different.
God help me to use my lantern for You.
Use me in the lives of those who are leaving darkness.
Soften my heart for the shadow huggers.
Let me see people where they are and not where I want them to be.
Help me to love like You love.
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