It's been a long couple of weeks. Insert long list of excuses here.
I've not spent time with my Savior like I should. My mind is loud.
I met with my accountability partners last night - a great group of God centered women. We call our little gathering Fem Fight Club. They are not afraid to say "hey I love you, and you are full of crap". Trust me, they'd probably say it just about like that.
Enter 1 and 2 Samuel - our reading for the next few weeks. I read through 1 Samuel one and two - saw some of my own notes, and moved on. Then I got to Chapter 3 ~ when the Lord calls Samuel. This is what my note said: "Sometimes I don't or can't recognize the voice of God calling to me" and "wise counsel can help me tune my ears." God was there and so was Samuel and Eli. In this case, God picked a quiet moment. God picked an unlikely person. Then God spoke some hard truth. For I told him that I would judge his family forever because of the sin he knew about, his sons made themselves contemptible and he failed to restrain them... Eli knew that his sons were sinning against God and he failed to act. Eli ignored and justified their sin and in doing so he dishonored God. His choice came at a high cost. Eli was not responsible for the sins of his children, but he was accountable for his own inaction. Eli was a good man, a Godly man; but he made some poor choices and God cannot overlook sin.
I cannot control anyone but myself. Accountability is part of the faith journey. It's not about my standards, or the standards of any one person ~ it's about God's expectations for His people. I am so glad that I have people in my life that love me and honor God. I don't always like what they have to say. Sometimes their questions make me uncomfortable. They are willing to fight for me, and I am willing to fight for them too. They're worth it, and it's part of how God expects us to do life together. The Christian experience is a group experience.
Quiet my mind God ~ tune my ears to your voice
Make me bold ~ let my actions bring glory to you
Take hold of my tongue ~ let my words be only what brings glory to You
Give me wisdom ~ let me see with eternal eyes what matters today, and what does not
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